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Volume 24, Number 5, August10 2017

A layerwise (LW) formulation based on the Galerkin method is presented to investigate the three-dimensional stress state in long sandwich plate which is subjected to tension force and pure bending moment. Based on the Galerkin method and the LW discretization approach, the equilibrium equations of elasticity for the long plate are written in the weak form and discretized through the thickness of the plate. The discretized equations are written in terms of displacement components of the numerical layers. The governing equations of the plate are solved analytically for the free edge boundary conditions. The distribution of stress state especially the 3D stress state in the vicinity of the edges of the sandwich plate which is subjected to tension and pure bending is studied. In order to increase the accuracy, the out of plane stresses are obtained by integrating the equilibrium equations of elasticity. The convergence and accuracy of the predictions are studied and various numerical results are presented for distribution of the in-plane and out of plane stresses in symmetric and un-symmetric sandwich plates.

Key Words
Galerkin Layerwise Formulation; long sandwich plate; 3D stress analysis; weak formulation

Advanced Materials and computational Mechanics Lab., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zanjan, 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran.

In this paper presents bending characteristic of single wall carbon nanotube reinforced functionally graded composite (SWCNTRC-FG) plates. The finite element implementation of bending analysis of laminated composite plate via well-established higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT). A seven degree of freedom and C0 continuity finite element model using eight noded isoperimetric elements is developed for precise computation of deflection and stresses of SWCNTRC plate subjected to sinusoidal transverse load. The finite element implementation is carried out through a finite element code developed in MATLAB. The results obtained by present approach are compared with the results available in the literatures. The effective material properties of the laminated SWCNTRC plate are used by Mori-Tanaka method. Numerical results have been obtained with different parameters, width-to-thickness ratio (a/h), stress distribution profile along thickness direction, different SWCNTRC-FG plate, boundary condition, through the thickness (z/h) ratio, volume fraction of SWCNT.

Key Words
SWCNTRC plate; micromechanics model; HSDT; FEM formulation

Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat - 395007, India.

As few multi-tower single-box multi-cell cable-stayed bridges with corrugated steel webs have been built, analysis is mostly achieved by combining single-girder model, beam grillage model and solid model in support of the design. However, such analysis methods usually suffer from major limitations in terms of the engineering applications: single-girder model fails to account for spatial effect such as shear lag effect of the box girder and the relevant effective girder width and eccentric load coefficient; owing to the approximation in the principle equivalence, the plane grillage model cannot accurately capture shear stress distribution and local stress state in both top and bottom flange of composite box girder; and solid model is difficult to be practically combined with the overall calculation. The usual effective width method fails to provide a uniform and accurate "effective length" (and the codes fail to provide a unified design approach at those circumstance) considering different shear lag effects resulting from dead load, prestress and cable tension in the construction. Therefore, a novel spatial grid model has been developed to account for shear lag effect. The theoretical principle of the proposed spatial grid model has been elaborated along with the relevant illustrations of modeling parameters of composite box girder with corrugated steel webs. Then typical transverse and longitudinal shear lag coefficient distribution pattern at the side-span and mid-span key cross sections have been analyzed and summarized to provide reference for similar bridges. The effectiveness and accuracy of spatial grid analysis methods has been finally validated through a practical cable-stayed bridge.

Key Words
shear lag coefficient; cable-stayed bridge; spatial grid model; corrugated steel web; composite bridge girder

(1) Ye Ma, Ying-Sheng Ni:
Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport, M.O.T., Beijing, 100088, P.R. China;
(2) Dong Xu:
Department of Bridge Engineering, Tongji Universtiy, Shanghai, 200092, P.R. China;
(3) Jin-Kai Li:
China Railway Engineering Design Consulting Group Co., Ltd, Beijing, 100055, P.R. China.

Steel frames are widely used in steel structures. Exiting steel structures may be needed to strengthen for various reasons. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) is one of the materials that are used to strengthen steel structures. Most studies on strengthening steel structures have been done on beams and steel columns. No independent study, to the researcher's knowledge, has studied the effect of CFRP strengthening on steel frames. This study explored the use of CFRP composite on retrofitting square hollow section (SHS) steel frames, using numerical investigations. Ten Finite Element (FE) models, which were strengthened with CFRP sheets, were analyzed under different coverage length, number of layers, and location of CFRP composite. One FE model without strengthening was analyzed as a control FE model to determine the increase of the ultimate load in the strengthened steel frames. ANSYS software was used to analyze the SHS steel frames. The results showed that the coverage length and the number of layers of CFRP composite have a significant effect on increasing the ultimate load of the SHS steel frames. The results also showed that the location of CFRP composite had no similar effect on increasing the ultimate load and the amount of mid span deflection of the SHS steel frames.

Key Words
SHS steel frame; CFRP; strengthening; ultimate load; numerical method

Department of Civil Engineering, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.

In this research work, a simple and accurate hyperbolic plate theory for the buckling analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates is presented. The main interest of this theory is that, in addition to incorporating the thickness stretching effect (εz ≠ 0), the displacement field is composed only of 5 unknowns as the first order shear deformation theory (FSDT), instead of 6 like in the well-known "higher order shear and normal deformation theories". Thus, the number of unknowns and governing equations for the present theory is reduced, significantly facilitating engineering analysis. Governing equations are obtained by employing the principle of minimum total potential energy. Comparison studies are performed to verify the validity of present results. A numerical investigation has been conducted considering and neglecting the thickness stretching effects on the buckling of sandwich plates with functionally graded skins. It can be concluded that the present theory is not only accurate but also simple in predicting the buckling response of sandwich plates with functionally graded skins.

Key Words
plate; computational modelling; buckling; functionally graded materials; stretching effect

(1) S.R. Mahmoud:
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia;
(2) Abdelouahed Tounsi:
Material and Hydrology Laboratory, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Faculty of Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Algeria.

The objective of this work is to analyze post-buckling of functionally graded (FG) beams with porosity effect under compression load. Material properties of the beam change in the thickness direction according to power-law distributions with different porosity models. It is known that post-buckling problems are geometrically nonlinear problems. In the nonlinear kinematic model of the beam, total Lagrangian finite element model of two dimensional (2-D) continuum is used in conjunction with the Newton-Raphson method. In the study, the effects of material distribution, porosity parameters, compression loads on the post-buckling behavior of FG beams are investigated and discussed with porosity effects. Also, the effects of the different porosity models on the FG beams are investigated in post-buckling case.

Key Words
post-buckling; functionally graded material; porosity; total Lagragian; finite element method

Department of Civil Engineering, Bursa Technical University, Yıldırım Campus, Yıldırım, Bursa 16330, Turkey.

A cable-stiffened cylindrical single-layer latticed shell that is reinforced by cable-stiffened system has superior stability behaviour compared with the ordinary cylindrical latticed shell. The layouts of cable-stiffened system are flexible in this structural system, and different layouts contribute different stiffness to the structure. However, the existed few research primarily focused on the simplest type of cable layouts, in which the grids of the latticed shell are diagonally stiffened by prestressed cables in-plane. This current work examines the stability behaviour of the cable-stiffened cylindrical latticed shells with two different types of cable layouts using nonlinear finite element analysis. A parametric study on the effect of cross-sectional of the cables, pretension in cables, joint stiffness, initial imperfections, load distributions and boundary conditions is presented. The findings are useful for the reference of the designer in using this type of structural system.

Key Words
prestressed cables; latticed shell; stability behaviour; nonlinear analysis; parametric study

(1) Pengcheng Li, Minger Wu:
Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;
(2) Pengcheng Li:
Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area (Chongqing University), Ministry of Education, Chongqing 400045, China;
(3) Pengcheng Li:
School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China.

In this research, the free vibration response of laminated composite plates is investigated using a novel and simple higher order shear deformation plate theory. The model considers a non-linear distribution of the transverse shear strains, and verifies the zero traction boundary conditions on the surfaces of the plate without introducing shear correction coefficient. The developed kinematic uses undetermined integral terms with only four unknowns. Equations of motion are obtained from the Hamilton's principle and the Navier method is used to determine the closed-form solutions of antisymmetric cross-ply and angle-ply laminates. Numerical examples studied using the present formulation is compared with three-dimensional elasticity solutions and those calculated using the first-order and the other higher-order theories. It can be concluded that the present model is not only accurate but also efficient and simple in studying the free vibration response of laminated composite plates.

Key Words
laminated composite plates; free vibration; refined plate theory; navier solution

(1) Mohammed Sehoul, Mohamed Benguediab:
Département de Génie Mécanique, Faculté de Technologie, Université Sidi Bel Abbes, Algérie;
(2) Ahmed Bakora, Abdelouahed Tounsi:
Material and Hydrology Laboratory, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Faculty of Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Algeria;
(3) Abdelouahed Tounsi:
Laboratoire de Modélisation et Simulation Multi-échelle, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Exactes, Département de Physique, Université de Sidi Bel Abbés, Algeria.

Fatigue crack initiated in welded tubular joints due to cyclic loading may produce harmful effect on the integrity of the tubular structures. To study such effect, both fatigue and static tests on nine circular tubular T-joint specimens made of carbon steel materials were carried out. The specimens were subjected to tensile loading in both fatigue and static tests. The load-displacement relation, the crack propagation and the failure mode of the specimens are all analyzed. The deterioration of the static strength of the cracked T-joints is also investigated and evaluated through an area reduction factor. Experimental results indicate that the static strength of a tubular T-joint with a surface crack seems to decrease slightly while a through crack has relatively remarkable effect on the reduction of the static strength. Additionally, experimental results also show that the toughness of the materials and the geometry of the specimens play an important role on the failure process of cracked tubular T-joints.

Key Words
tubular T-joints; fatigue crack; residual static strength; failure mode; experimental test

(1) Yamin Wang, Yongbo Shao:
School of Mechatronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, P.R. China;
(2) Shengzhi Song:
R&D centre of Jungian Construction safety and disaster mitigation, Jiangsu Jianzhu Institute, Xuzhou 221116, P.R. China;
(3) Dongping Yang:
Technology Inspection Center, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Dong 257062, P.R. China.

Safety service improvement and development of efficient maintenance strategies for corroded steel structures are undeniably essential. Therefore, understanding the influence of damage caused by corrosion on the remaining load-carrying capacities such as tensile strength is required. In this study, artificial neural network (ANN) approach is proposed in order to produce a simple, accurate, and inexpensive method developed by using tensile test results, material properties and finite element method (FEM) results to train the ANN model. Initially in reproducing corroded model process, FEM was used to obtain tensile strength of artificial corroded plates, for which surface is developed by a spatial autocorrelation model. By using the corroded surface data and material properties as input data, with tensile strength as the output data, the ANN model could be trained. The accuracy of the ANN result was then verified by using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). As a result, it was confirmed that the accuracy of the ANN approach and the final output equation was developed for predicting tensile strength without tensile test results and FEM in further work. Though previous studies have been conducted, the accuracy results are still lower than the proposed ANN approach. Hence, the proposed ANN model now enables us to have a simple, rapid, and inexpensive method to predict residual tensile strength more accurately due to corrosion in steel structures.

Key Words
corrosion; tensile test; finite element analysis; artificial neural network

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ehime University, 3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, Japan.

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