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Volume 10, Number 4, October - November 2012 |
- Preface .
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Abstract; Full Text (38K) . | pages -. | |
Key Words
- Sensor placement for structural health monitoring of Canton Tower Ting-Hua Yi, Hong-Nan Li and Ming Gu
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Abstract; Full Text (2616K) . | pages 313-329. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.313 |
A challenging issue in design and implementation of an effective structural health monitoring (SHM) system is to determine where a number of sensors are properly installed. In this paper, research on the optimal sensor placement (OSP) is carried out on the Canton Tower (formerly named Guangzhou New Television Tower) of 610 m high. To avoid the intensive computationally-demanding problem caused by tens
of thousands of degrees of freedom (DOFs) involved in the dynamic analysis, the three dimension finite element (FE) model of the Canton Tower is first simplified to a system with less DOFs. Considering that the sensors can be physically arranged only in the translational DOFs of the structure, but not in the rotational DOFs, a new method of taking the horizontal DOF as the master DOF and rotational DOF as the slave DOF, and reducing the slave DOF by model reduction is proposed. The reduced model is obtained by IIRS method and compared with the models reduced by Guyan, Kuhar, and IRS methods. Finally, the OSP of the Canton
Tower is obtained by a kind of dual-structure coding based generalized genetic algorithm (GGA).
Key Words
structural health monitoring (SHM); canton tower; optimal sensor placement (OSP); generalized genetic algorithm (GGA); model reduction
Ting-Hua Yi and Hong-Nan Li : School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China
Ting-Hua Yi and Ming Gu : State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University,
Shanghai 200092, China
- SSA-based stochastic subspace identification of structures from output-only vibration measurements Chin-Hsiung Loh, Yi-Cheng Liu and Yi-Qing Ni
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Abstract; Full Text (11754K) . | pages 331-351. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.331 |
In this study an output-only system identification technique for civil structures under ambientm vibrations is carried out, mainly focused on using the Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) based algorithms. A newly developed signal processing technique, called Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA), capable to smooth a noisy signal, is adopted for preprocessing the measurement data. An SSA-based SSI algorithm with the aim of finding accurate and true modal parameters is developed through stabilization diagram which is constructed by plotting the identified system poles with increasing the size of data matrix. First, comparative study between different approaches, with and without using SSA to pre-process the data, on determining the model order and selecting the true system poles is examined in this study through numerical simulation. Finally, application of the proposed system identification task to the real large scale structure: Canton Tower, a benchmark problem for structural health monitoring of high-rise slender structures, using SSA-based SSI algorithm is carried out to extract the dynamic characteristics of the tower from output-only measurements.
Key Words
state-space model; operational modal analysis; stochastic subspace identification; singular spectrum analysis; covariance-driven SSI; data-driven SSI
Chin-Hsiung Loh and Yi-Cheng Liu : Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Yi-Qing Ni : Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Modal identification of Canton Tower under uncertain environmental conditions Xijun Ye, Quansheng Yan, Weifeng Wang and Xiaolin Yu
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Abstract; Full Text (7890K) . | pages 353-373. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.353 |
The instrumented Canton Tower is a 610 m high-rise structure, which has been considered as a benchmark problem for structural health monitoring (SHM) research. In this paper, an improved automatic modal identification method is presented based on a natural excitation technique in conjunction with the eigensystem realization algorithm (NExT/ERA). In the proposed modal identification method, damping ratio, consistent mode indicator from observability matrices (CMI_O) and modal amplitude coherence (MAC) are
used as criteria to distinguish the physically true modes from spurious modes. Enhanced frequency domain
decomposition (EFDD), the data-driven stochastic subspace identification method (SSI-DATA) and the proposed method are respectively applied to extract the modal parameters of the Canton Tower under different environmental conditions. Results of modal parameter identification based on output-only measurements are presented and discussed. User-selected parameters used in those methods are suggested and discussed. Furthermore, the effect of environmental conditions on the dynamic characteristics of Canton tower is
Key Words
high-rise structure; modal identification; ambient excitation; environmental condition
Xijun Ye, Quansheng Yan, Weifeng Wang1 and Xiaolin Yu : School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
Quansheng Yan: State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou 510640, China
- Structural health monitoring of Canton Tower using Bayesian framework Sin-Chi Kuok and Ka-Veng Yuen
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Abstract; Full Text (4083K) . | pages 375-391. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.375 |
This paper reports the structural health monitoring benchmark study results for the Canton Tower using Bayesian methods. In this study, output-only modal identification and finite element model updating are considered using a given set of structural acceleration measurements and the corresponding ambient conditions of 24 hours. In the first stage, the Bayesian spectral density approach is used for output-only modal identification with the acceleration time histories as the excitation to the tower is unknown. The modal parameters and the associated uncertainty can be estimated through Bayesian inference. Uncertainty
quantification is important for determination of statistically significant change of the modal parameters and for weighting assignment in the subsequent stage of model updating. In the second stage, a Bayesian model
updating approach is utilized to update the finite element model of the tower. The uncertain stiffness parameters can be obtained by minimizing an objective function that is a weighted sum of the square of the differences (residuals) between the identified modal parameters and the corresponding values of the model. The weightings distinguish the contribution of different residuals with different uncertain levels. They are obtained using the Bayesian spectral density approach in the first stage. Again, uncertainty of the stiffness parameters can be quantified with Bayesian inference. Finally, this Bayesian framework is applied to the 24- hour field measurements to investigate the variation of the modal and stiffness parameters under changing ambient conditions. Results show that the Bayesian framework successfully achieves the goal of the first task of this benchmark study.
Key Words
ambient vibration; Bayesian analysis; high-rise structures; model updating; structural health monitoring; system identification
Sin-Chi Kuok and Ka-Veng Yuen : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macao, China
- Operational modal analysis for Canton Tower Yan Niu, Peter Kraemer and Claus-Peter Fritzen
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Abstract; Full Text (7352K) . | pages 393-410. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.393 |
The 610 m high Canton Tower (formerly named Guangzhou New Television Tower) is currently considered as a benchmark problem for structural health monitoring (SHM) of high-rise slender structures. In the benchmark study task I, a set of 24-hour ambient vibration measurement data has been available for the output-only system identification study. In this paper, the vector autoregressive models (ARV) method is adopted in the operational modal analysis (OMA) for this TV tower. The identified natural frequencies,
damping ratios and mode shapes are presented and compared with the available results from some other research groups which used different methods, e.g., the data-driven stochastic subspace identification (SSIDATA) method, the enhanced frequency domain decomposition (EFDD) algorithm, and an improved modal identification method based on NExT-ERA technique. Furthermore, the environmental effects on the estimated modal parameters are also discussed.
Key Words
operational modal analysis (OMA); Canton Tower, vector autoregressive models (ARV) method;
environmental effects; structural health monitoring (SHM)
Yan Niu and Claus-Peter Fritzen :Center for Sensor Systems (ZESS), University of Siegen, Germany, Institute of Mechanics and Control Engineering-Mechatronics, University of Siegen, Germany
Peter Kraemer : Woelfel Beratende Ingenieure, Hoechberg, Germany
- SHM benchmark for high-rise structures: a reduced-order finite element model and field measurement data Y.Q. Ni, Y. Xia, W. Lin, W.H. Chen and J.M. Ko
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Abstract; Full Text (6295K) . | pages 411-426. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.411 |
The Canton Tower (formerly named Guangzhou New TV Tower) of 610 m high has been instrumented with a long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) system consisting of over 700 sensors of sixteen types. Under the auspices of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), an SHM benchmark problem for high-rise structures has been developed by taking
the instrumented Canton Tower as a host structure. This benchmark problem aims to provide an international
platform for direct comparison of various SHM-related methodologies and algorithms with the use of realworld
monitoring data from a large-scale structure, and to narrow the gap that currently exists between the research and the practice of SHM. This paper first briefs the SHM system deployed on the Canton Tower, and the development of an elaborate three-dimensional (3D) full-scale finite element model (FEM) and the validation of the model using the measured modal data of the structure. In succession comes the formulation of an equivalent reduced-order FEM which is developed specifically for the benchmark study. The reducedorder FEM, which comprises 37 beam elements and a total of 185 degrees-of-freedom (DOFs), has been
elaborately tuned to coincide well with the full-scale FEM in terms of both modal frequencies and mode shapes. The field measurement data (including those obtained from 20 accelerometers, one anemometer and one temperature sensor) from the Canton Tower, which are available for the benchmark study, are subsequently presented together with a description of the sensor deployment locations and the sensor specifications.
Key Words
structural health monitoring; benchmark problem; high-rise structure; finite element model; field monitoring data
Y.Q. Ni, Y. Xia1, W. Lin, W.H. Chen and J.M. Ko : Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
W. Lin : College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China
W.H. Chen : Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
- Updating finite element model using dynamic perturbation method and regularization algorithm Hua-Peng Chen and Tian-Li Huang
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Abstract; Full Text (2490K) . | pages 427-442. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.427 |
An effective approach for updating finite element model is presented which can provide reliable estimates for structural updating parameters from identified operational modal data. On the basis of the dynamic perturbation method, an exact relationship between the perturbation of structural parameters such as stiffness change and the modal properties of the tested structure is developed. An iterative solution procedure is then provided to solve for the structural updating parameters that characterise the modifications of structural parameters at element level, giving optimised solutions in the least squares sense without requiring an optimisation method. A regularization algorithm based on the Tikhonov solution incorporating the generalised cross-validation method is employed to reduce the influence of measurement errors in vibration modal data
and then to produce stable and reasonable solutions for the structural updating parameters. The Canton Tower
benchmark problem established by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed model updating technique. The results from the benchmark problem studies show that the proposed technique can successfully adjust the reduced finite element model of the structure using only limited number of frequencies identified from the recorded ambient vibration measurements.
Key Words
model updating; operational modal analysis; dynamic perturbation method; regularization algorithm; Canton Tower benchmark problem
Hua-Peng Chen and Tian-Li Huang : School of Engineering, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, UK
Tian-Li Huang : School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Hunan Province 410075, P.R. China
- Information entropy based algorithm of sensor placement optimization for structural damage detection S.Q. Ye and Y.Q. Ni
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Abstract; Full Text (2372K) . | pages 443-458. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.443 |
The structural health monitoring (SHM) benchmark study on optimal sensor placement problem for the instrumented Canton Tower has been launched. It follows the success of the modal identification and model updating for the Canton Tower in the previous benchmark study, and focuses on the optimal placement of vibration sensors (accelerometers) in the interest of bettering the SHM system. In this paper, the sensor placement problem for the Canton Tower and the benchmark model for this study are first detailed. Then an
information entropy based sensor placement method with the purpose of damage detection is proposed and applied to the benchmark problem. The procedure that will be implemented for structural damage detection using the data obtained from the optimal sensor placement strategy is introduced and the information on structural damage is specified. The information entropy based method is applied to measure the uncertainties throughout the damage detection process with the use of the obtained data. Accordingly, a multi-objective
optimal problem in terms of sensor placement is formulated. The optimal solution is determined as the one that provides equally most informative data for all objectives, and thus the data obtained is most informative for structural damage detection. To validate the effectiveness of the optimally determined sensor placement, damage detection is performed on different damage scenarios of the benchmark model using the noise-free and noise-corrupted measured information, respectively. The results show that in comparison with the existing inservice sensor deployment on the structure, the optimally determined one is capable of further enhancing the
capability of damage detection.
Key Words
structural health monitoring; sensor placement; information entropy; multi-objective optimization; damage detection; benchmark study
S.Q. Ye and Y.Q. Ni : Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
- Finite element model updating of Canton Tower using regularization technique Truong Thanh Chung, Soojin Cho, Chung Bang Yun and Hoon Sohn
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Abstract; Full Text (1829K) . | pages 459-470. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.459 |
This paper summarizes a study for the modal analysis and model updating conducted using the monitoring data obtained from the Canton Tower of 610 m tall, which was established as an international benchmark problem by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Modal properties of the tower were
successfully identified using frequency domain decomposition and stochastic subspace identification methods. Finite element model updating using the measurement data was further performed to reduce the modal
property differences between the measurements and those of the finite element model. Over-fitting during the
model updating was avoided by using an optimization scheme with a regularization term.
Key Words
Canton Tower; modal identification; finite element model updating; regularization
Truong Thanh Chung and Hoon Sohn : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, Korea
Soojin Cho: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Chung Bang Yun : School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, UNIST, Korea
- Update the finite element model of Canton Tower based on direct matrix updating with incomplete modal data Y. Lei, H.F. Wang and W.A. Shen
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Abstract; Full Text (1951K) . | pages 471-483. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.471 |
In this paper, the structural health monitoring (SHM) benchmark problem of the Canton tower is studied. Based on the field monitoring data from the 20 accelerometers deployed on the tower, some modal frequencies and mode shapes at measured degrees of freedom of the tower are identified. Then, these identified incomplete modal data are used to update the reduced finite element (FE) model of the tower by a novel algorithm. The proposed algorithm avoids the problem of subjective selection of updated parameters and directly updates model stiffness matrix without model reduction or modal expansion approach. Only the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the normal finite element models corresponding to the measured modes are
needed in the computation procedures. The updated model not only possesses the measured modal frequencies
and mode shapes but also preserves the modal frequencies and modes shapes in their normal values for the
unobserved modes. Updating results including the natural frequencies and mode shapes are compared with the
experimental ones to evaluate the proposed algorithm. Also, dynamic responses estimated from the updated FE
model using remote senor locations are compared with the measurement ones to validate the convergence of
the updated model.
Key Words
finite element model updating; direct updating method; incomplete measurement; benchmark problem; system identification; response estimation
Y. Lei : Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
H.F. Wang : Department of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
W.A. Shen : Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
- Mode shape expansion with consideration of analytical modelling errors and modal measurement uncertainty Hua-Peng Chen, Kong Fah Tee and Yi-Qing Ni
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Abstract; Full Text (3519K) . | pages 485-499. | DOI: 10.12989/sss.2012.10.4_5.485 |
Mode shape expansion is useful in structural dynamic studies such as vibration based structural health monitoring; however most existing expansion methods can not consider the modelling errors in the finite element model and the measurement uncertainty in the modal properties identified from vibration data. This paper presents a reliable approach for expanding mode shapes with consideration of both the errors in analytical model and noise in measured modal data. The proposed approach takes the perturbed force as an unknown vector that contains the discrepancies in structural parameters between the analytical model and tested structure. A regularisation algorithm based on the Tikhonov solution incorporating the L-curve criterion is adopted to reduce the influence of measurement uncertainties and to produce smooth and optimised expansion estimates in the least squares sense. The Canton Tower benchmark problem established by the Hong
Kong Polytechnic University is then utilised to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed expansion approach to the actual structure. The results from the benchmark problem studies show that the proposed approach can provide reliable predictions of mode shape expansion using only limited information on the operational modal data identified from the recorded ambient vibration measurements.
Key Words
mode shape expansion; modelling errors; perturbed force; measurement uncertainty; regularisation algorithm; Canton Tower benchmark problem
Hua-Peng Chen and Kong Fah Tee : School of Engineering, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, UK
Yi-Qing Ni : Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong