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Volume 23, Number 5, July30 2006

Smart structural systems are defined as ones that demonstrate the ability to modify their characteristics and/or properties in order to respond favorably to unexpected severe loading conditions. The performance of such a task requires a set of additional components to be integrated within such systems. These components belong to three major categories, sensors, processors and actuators. It is well-known that all structural systems entail some level of uncertainty, because of their extremely complex nature, lack of complete information, simplifications and modeling. Similarly, sensors, processors and actuators are expected to reflect a similar uncertain behavior. As it is imperative to be able to evaluate the impact of such components on the behavior of the system, it is as important to ensure, or at least evaluate, the reliability of such components. In this paper, a system model for reliability assessment of smart structural systems is outlined. The presented model is considered a necessary first step in the development of a reliability assessment algorithm for smart structural systems. The system model outlines the basic components of the system, in addition to, performance functions and inter-relations among individual components. A fault tree model is developed in order to aggregate the individual underlying component reliabilities into an overall system reliability measure. Identification of appropriate limit states for all underlying components are beyond the scope of this paper. However, it is the objective of this paper to set up the necessary framework for identifying such limit states. A sample model for a three-story single bay smart rigid frame, is developed in order to demonstrate the proposed framework.

Key Words
control; fuzzy; MR-dampers; neural; reliability; smart; system; uncertainty.

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 1173 Glenn L. Martin Hall, University of Maryland, Collage Park, MD. 20742, USA

The main objective of this study was to investigate the seismic behavior of damaged reinforced concrete frames rehabilitated by introducing cast in place reinforced concrete infills. Four bare and five infilled frames were constructed and tested. Each specimen consisted of two (twin) 1/3-scale, one-bay and two-story reinforced concrete frames. Test specimens were tested under reversed-cyclic lateral loading until considerable damage occurred. RC infills were then introduced to the damaged specimens. One bare specimen was infilled without being subjected to any damage. All infilled frames were then tested under reversed-cyclic lateral loading until failure. While some of the test frames were detailed properly according to the current Turkish seismic code, others were built with the common deficiencies observed in existing residential buildings. The variables investigated were the effects of the damage level and deficiencies in the bare frame on the seismic behavior of the infilled frame. The deficiencies in the frame were; low concrete strength, inadequate confinement at member ends, 90 degree hooks in column and beam ties and inadequate length of lapped splices in column longitudinal bars made above the floor levels. Test results revealed that both the lateral strength and lateral stiffness increased significantly with the introduction of reinforced concrete infills even when the frame had the deficiencies mentioned above. The deficiency which affected the behavior of infilled frames most adversely was the presence of lap splices in column longitudinal reinforcement.

Key Words
reinforced concrete; infill; building frames; cyclic test; strength; stiffness; rehabilitation.

Ahmet Murat Turk; Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Kultur University, 34156, Bakirkoy, Istanbul, Turkey
Ugur Ersoy and Guney Ozcebe; Department of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

Several new versatile two-dimensional p-version finite elements are developed. The element matrices are integrated analytically to guarantee the accuracy and monotonic convergence of the predicted solutions of the proposed p-version elements. The analysis results show that the convergence rate of the present elements is very fast with respect to the number of additional Fourier or polynomial terms in shape functions, and their solutions are much more accurate than those of the linear finite elements for the same number of degrees of freedom. Additionally, the new p-version plate elements without the reduced integration can overcome the shear locking problem over the conventional h-version elements. Using the proposed p-version elements with fast convergent characteristic, the elasto-plastic impact of the structure attached with the absorber is simulated. Good agreement between the simulated and experimental results verifies the present p-version finite elements for the analyses of structural dynamic responses and the structural elasto-plastic impact. Further, using the elasto-plastic impact model and the p-version finite element method, the absorber of the T structure on the Qiantang River is designed for its collision protection.

Key Words
p-version finite elements; structures; impact; experimentation.

B. Zhu?and Y. M. Chen; Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China
A. Y. T. Leung; Department of Building and Construction, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

An unrestrained plane rigid body resting on a horizontal surface which shakes horizontally and vertically may assume one of the five modes of response: rest, slide, slide-rock, rock, and free flight. The first four are nontrivial modes of motion. It is important to study which one of these responses is started from rest as in most studies it is often assumed that the initial mode is the particular mode of response. Criteria governing the initiation of modes are first briefly discussed. It is shown that the commencement of response modes depends on the aspect ratio of the body, coefficients of static and kinetic friction at the body-base interface, and the magnitude of maximum base accelerations. Considering the last two factors as random variables, the initiation of response modes is next studied from a probabilistic point of view. Type 1 extreme value and lognormal distributions are employed for maximum base excitations and coefficient of friction respectively. Analytical expressions for computing the probability values of each mode of response are derived. The effects of slenderness ratio, vertical acceleration, and statistical distributions of maximum acceleration and coefficient of friction are shown through numerical results and plots.

Key Words
rigid body; coefficient of friction; base excitation; probability of response modes.

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey

On the basis of equilibrium equations for static electric and magnetic fields, two unknown functions related to electric and magnetic fields were firstly introduced to rewrite the governing equations, boundary conditions and initial conditions for mechanical field. Then by introducing a dependent variable and a special function satisfying the inhomogeneous mechanical boundary conditions, the governing equation for a new variable with homogeneous mechanical boundary conditions is obtained. By using the separation of variables technique as well as the electric and magnetic boundary conditions, the dynamic problem of a functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic hollow sphere under spherically symmetric deformation is transformed to two Volterra integral equations of the second kind about two unknown functions of time. Cubic Hermite polynomials are adopted to approximate the two undetermined functions at each time subinterval and the recursive formula for solving the integral equations is derived. Transient responses of displacements, stresses, electric and magnetic potentials are completely determined at the end. Numerical results are presented and discussed.

Key Words
hollow sphere; magneto-electro-elastic; functionally graded materials; transient response.

H. M. Wang; Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China
H. J. Ding; Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China

Base isolation technology has been accepted as a feasible and attractive way in improving seismic resistance of structures. The seismic design of new seismically isolated structures is mainly governed by the Uniform Building Code (UBC-97) published by the International Conference of Building Officials. In the UBC code, the distribution formula of the inertial (or lateral) forces leads to an inverted triangular shape in the vertical direction. It has been found to be too conservative for most isolated structures through experimental, computational and real earthquake examinations. In this paper, four simple and reasonable design formulae, based on the first mode of the base-isolated structures, for the lateral force distribution on isolated structures have been validated by a multiple-bay three-story base-isolated steel structure tested on the shaking table. Moreover, to obtain more accurate results for base-isolated structures in which higher mode contributions are more likely expected during earthquakes, another four inertial force distribution formulae are also proposed to include higher mode effects. Besides the experimental verification through shaking table tests, the vertical distributions of peak accelerations computed by the proposed design formulae are in good agreement with the recorded floor accelerations of the USC University Hospital during the Northridge earthquake.

Key Words
base isolation; structural control; UBC code; lateral force distribution; higher mode effect.

C. S. Tsai; Department of Civil Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
Wen-Shin Chen; Graduate Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
Bo-Jen Chen; R&D Department, Earthquake Proof System, Inc., Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
Wen-Shen Pong; School of Engineering, San Francisco State University, USA

This study involves a series of experiments on the buckling strength of eccentrically compressed cold-formed stainless steel square hollow-section columns. The principal parameters in this study are slenderness ratios (Lk/r = 30, 50, 70) and magnitude of eccentricity e (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 mm) on the symmetrical end-moment. The objectives of this paper are to obtain the buckling loads by conducting a series of experiments and to compare the behavior of the eccentrically compressed cold-formed stainless steel square hollow-section columns with the results of the analysis. The ultimate buckling strength of the square-section members were determined with the use of a numerical method in accordance with the bending moment-axial force (M-P) interaction curves. The behavior of each specimen was displayed in the form of a moment-radian (M- ) relationship. The numerically obtained ultimate-buckling interaction curves of the beam columns coincided with the results of the experiments.

Key Words
stainless steel; square hollow sections; axial force; symmetrical end-moment; slenderness ratio; magnitude of eccentricity; moment-axial force (M-P) interaction curves.

Ho-Ju Jang; Chosun University, 375 Seosuk-dong Dong-gu, Gwangju 501-759, Korea
Seong-Yeon Seo; Halla University, San 66, Heungup-myon, Wonju-shi, Kangwon-do, Korea
Young-Sung Yang; Chosun University, 375 Seosuk-dong Dong-gu, Gwangju 501-759, Korea

The behaviour of reinforced concrete moment resisting frame structures in recent earthquakes all over the world has highlighted the consequences of poor performance of beam column joints. Large amount of research carried out to understand the complex mechanisms and safe behaviour of beam column joints has gone into code recommendations. This paper presents critical review of recommendations of well established codes regarding design and detailing aspects of beam column joints. The codes of practice considered are ACI 318M-02, NZS 3101: Part 1:1995 and the Eurocode 8 of EN 1998-1:2003. All three codes aim to satisfy the bond and shear requirements within the joint. It is observed that ACI 318M-02 requires smaller column depth as compared to the other two codes based on the anchorage conditions. NZS 3101:1995 and EN 1998-1:2003 consider the shear stress level to obtain the required stirrup reinforcement whereas ACI 318M-02 provides stirrup reinforcement to retain the axial load capacity of column by confinement. Significant factors influencing the design of beam-column joints are identified and the effect of their variations on design parameters is compared. The variation in the requirements of shear reinforcement is substantial among the three codes.

Key Words
anchorage; beam-column joint; bond; code provisions; reinforced concrete frames; shear reinforcement.

S. R. Uma; Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Sudhir K. Jain; Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India

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