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Volume 3, Number 3, 2015

A large wind farm can be simplified by the aggregated wind farm models for load flow, steady and transient stability studies. When a fault (such as a short circuit) happens in a large wind farm, some of wind turbines trip while others do not. This paper is to design a controller to modify the aggregated wind farm model in the case of one or more unit removed or added from the complete model. This is without stopping the simulation process during performing the steady state and transient analysis of the whole system. This controller can modulate the status of the wind turbines in the aggregated model in a given farm according to any change in this farm. By this controller, we save effort and time to change the status of wind turbines in the aggregated model. The proposed wind farm is composed of some smaller farms of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) and others of squirrel cage induction generators (SCIGs).

Key Words
wind farm aggregation model; controller; PMSG and SCIG

Mohammed. A. Badr, Ahmed. M. Atallah: Electrical Engineering Department, Ain-Shames University, Cairo, Egypt
Mona A. Bayoumi: Electrical Engineering Department, Benha University, Benha, Egypt

The Nile blue has been used as a photosensitizer with Arabinose as a reductant in photogalvanic cell for optimum conversion efficiency and storage capacity. Reduction cost of the photogalvanic cell for commercial utility. The generated photopotential and photocurrent are 816.0 mV and 330.0 uA respectively. The maximum power of the cell is 269.30 uW where as the observed power at power point is 91.28 uW. The observed conversion efficiency is 0.6095% and the fill factor 0.2566 has been experimentally found out at the power point of the photogalvanic cell, whereas the absolute value is 1.00. The photogalvanic cell so developed can work for 120.0 minutes in dark if it is irradiated for 200.0 minutes that is the storage capacity of photogalvanic cell is 60.00%. The effects of different parameters on the electrical output of the photogalvanic cell have been observed. A mechanism has also been proposed for the photogeneration of electrical energy.

Key Words
conversion efficiency; photogalvanic cell; power point; fill factor; nile blue; arabinose

Mohan Lal and K.M. Gangotri: Solar Energy Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Jai Narain Vyas University,
Jodhpur 342005, Rajasthan, India

This research investigates the effect of natural dust accumulation on the glass cover of solar thermal energy conversion systems. Four similar, locally manufactured, flat plate solar collectors are used. All collectors are South oriented with tilt angle of 40

Key Words
dust accumulation; heat gain rate; thermal efficiency; solar system; energy conversion; conversion system

Mohammad A. Alsaad: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, The University of Applied Sciences, 5 Ibrahim Alaqqani Street, Amman 11190, Jordan

This paper presents a techno-economic analysis of a partial repowering scheme for an existing 210 MW coal fired power plant by integrating a gas turbine and by employing waste heat recovery. In this repowering scheme, one of the four operating coal mills is taken out and a new natural gas fired gas turbine (GT) block is considered to be integrated, whose exhaust is fed to the furnace of the existing boiler. Feedwater heating is proposed through the utilization of waste heat of the boiler exhaust gas. From the thermodynamic analysis it is seen that the proposed repowering scheme helps to increase the plant capacity by about 28% and the overall efficiency by 27%. It also results in 21% reduction in the plant heat rate and 29% reduction in the specific CO2 emissions. The economic analysis reveals that the partial repowering scheme is cost effective resulting in a reduction of the unit cost of electricity (UCOE) by 8.4%. The economic analysis further shows that the UCOE of the repowered plant is lower than that of a new green-field power plant of similar capacity.

Key Words
partial repowering; gas turbine; feedwater heating; specific CO2 emission; cost of electricity

Samiran Samanta: Department of Automobile Engineering, MCKV Institute of Engineering, 243 G. T. Road (N), Liluah,
Howrah - 711204, West Bengal, India
Sudip Ghosh: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah -711103, West Bengal, India

In this work, an experimental study of the gasification on wood was carried out in downdraft type fixed bed Gasifier attached with 10Kw duel fuel diesel engine. The main objective of the study was to use wood as the biomass fuel for downdraft Gasifier and to evaluate the operating parameter of gasifier unit to predict its performance in terms of gas yield and cold gas efficiency. The influence of different biomass on fuel consumption rate, gas yield and cold gas efficiency was studied. Composition of producer gas was also detected for measuring the lower heating value of producer gas to select the feed stock so that optimum performance in the existing gasifier unit can be achieved. Under the experimental conditions, Lower heating value, of producer gas, cold gas efficiency and gas yields, using wood as a feed stock, are 4.85 MJ/m3, 46.57% and 0.519 m3/kg.

Key Words
gasification; syngas; biomass; agrowaste; filtration; design parameters; diesel blending

Amarmani Tripathi and S.K. Shukla: Centre for Energy and Resources Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India

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